“Yellowish” water flows from taps, its consumption “not recommended”

“Yellowish colored” water has been flowing from taps in Bordeaux and certain towns in the metropolis since Thursday. This phenomenon linked to “the heavy rains of recent weeks” indicates the Régie de L’Eau Bordeaux Métropole, concerns the sectors of Eysines, Bruges, Le Bouscat, Le Taillan-Médoc, Blanquefort and the north and center of Bordeaux.

If this water remains drinkable, the Régie “recommends” its use “for drinking or preparing meals. » “Young children under three years old, pregnant women and immunocompromised people should only consume bottled water,” she adds.

The Régie “mobilized to restore the situation to normal”

“Aware of the inconvenience caused”, the Water Authority “monitors the quality parameters of water intended for human consumption,” she said. All our teams are fully mobilized to restore the situation to normal. » The situation is monitored “in continuous contact” with state services, the ARS and the prefecture.

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