Vasectomy, heated briefs, hormones… What if men did their part?

While heated briefs have long been a subject of fat jokes, some men take the issue of contraception very seriously. In particular Guillaume Daudin and Stéphane Jourdain, two journalist friends who embarked on a survey on male contraception three years ago. To give birth last week to a comic: Contraceptives(Steinkus editions).

A didactic book that should interest many young men, according to a #MoiJeune study20 minutes-OpinionWay whose results we publish this Monday **. In fact, 90% of the members of our panel of young people aged 18 to 30 easily talk about contraception with their partner. While they feel well informed about female contraception (74%), they say they are much less informed about male contraception (44%). And very few use any male contraception other than the condom.

“By a form of domination, men may not be concerned about it”

The book lifts the veil on the appearance and functioning of the ring, on hormonal injections or even vasectomy. Under the pencil of Caroline Lee, we follow the procrastination, meetings and discoveries of the duo. Until Guillaume’s decision to adopt the ring.

For him, taking control of his contraception means fighting against patriarchy in a concrete way. “Women are much more interested in what we write than men!” Deplores the co-author. The contraceptive load, which women carry alone, is financial, health, a concern of the mind … By a form of domination, men can not be concerned. It’s great that women have control over their fertility, but this conquest must not become a burden. “

Contrary to what many believe, male contraception has not stalled in recent decades … “What surprised me most is to realize that there are methods of male contraception that seem to work. , but which I have never been told about, continues the journalist to AFP. As early as 1939, studies evoked the possibility of male contraception. WHO has carried out two phase 2 studies involving several hundred couples on the weekly injection of testosterone. With convincing results: it is reversible, there is no pregnancy and the side effects are similar to those experienced by women on hormones. “

But would men accept to suffer these inconveniences? Some, yes: according to our survey, 37% of men aged 18-30 would be ready to resort to a reimbursed male contraceptive pill, even with side effects equivalent to the female hormonal pill. 22% would agree to have a vasectomy, and 12% to test the heated panties.

A turning point?

Proof that things are changing on the contraceptive load? “I feel a tremor, confirms Guillaume Daudin. The inventor of the ring told me this summer that he had sold 10,000 of them this year. An article in the RTBF recently showed that doctors, questioned by men, find themselves in a dilemma: refuse to accompany them or accept despite the lack of studies. “

Because the problem is that there are options, but none have really benefited from a clinical trial. It’s a bit of a snake biting its tail: laboratories believe that there is no market because there is no interest, but interested men need to be reassured with studies… which are expensive. “I hope that it can evolve, assures Guillaume Daudin. If we perceive a demand for men, if we raise this subject, perhaps the public authorities, the laboratories will say to themselves that it deserves a study. Marlène Schiappa, who was finally interviewed, told us: it’s a topic that interests you. “

“The mental burden of contraception changes sides! “

An interest that goes beyond a duo of journalists. In fact, our survey reveals that eight in ten people in their twenties consider it normal to share more of the responsibility and the mental burden of contraception. And if we are to believe the many testimonials from readers that 20 minutes compiled beyond this survey, some men do not see male contraception as a fantasy at all.

“The mental burden of contraception changes sides! », Assures Bertrand, 34 years old. This surfer was convinced by the ring. “I was skeptical, but I found it revolutionary: easy to use, effective, natural and reversible. “The only constraint:” Carry out a regular spermogram to ensure the effectiveness of the method. I do not understand why we do not talk about it more and why men do not take up this subject! “

Yann, 27, who is also testing the ring, still raises a problem. “Despite the solutions that could be provided for male contraception, the proportion of contracepted women will change little, due to a lack of confidence in his / her partner (s). “

“I inquired about doing a vasectomy in order to take over”

However, there is another method of male contraception that avoids this kind of doubt, it is vasectomy, the only permanent male contraception (or almost). A subject that makes some uncomfortable. “During his visit to a vasectomy specialist, Stéphane almost fainted”, quips Guillaume Daudin.

This option has nevertheless imposed itself on several of our Internet users. In particular Benjamin, 37 years old and father of three children. “It took a little while to get started, but I don’t regret it. It was my wife who gave me the idea, because the pill was starting to weigh on her. Since then, we have been living stress-free sex. In addition, stopping her pill allowed her to regain unlimited libido. “Same satisfaction for Jérémy, 36 years old:” The operation only lasts a few minutes and takes place under general anesthesia. We do not realize what is happening and after a day, the pain has almost disappeared and it does not disturb sexuality. Men need to put themselves a little more in the shoes of women and what they have to go through for years to come. “

For Guillaume, 37, the choice was relatively simple, the realization less. “I inquired about having a vasectomy to take over. But it is a real obstacle course: lack of information, public hospitals that do not practice it, private clinic with huge excess fees not covered by mutual insurance… ”

Lack of awareness

Beyond the intimate choices to be discussed within the couple, the question of the lack of awareness comes up in the testimonies. “There are two of us making love!” annoys Jonathan, 30. But it would be better if, from an early age, we educated boys on contraception that is more 21st century than the condom. “And Antoine, 34, was surprised:” Not once has vasectomy or heated briefs been offered to me … “

* Contraceptés, Steinkus, October 14, 2021, € 19.

** Study #MoiJeune 20 Minutes – OpinionWay, conducted online from October 12th and 13th with a representative sample of 561 isome aged 18 to 30 (quota method).

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