Israel: Ultimatum puts Netanyahu in trouble – politics

The pressure from the street has now reached the core of the Israeli war cabinet: Benny Gantz, one of the three members of the war cabinet and the leading figure of the strongest political force in parliament, has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an ultimatum to radically change war policy. Otherwise, he will end his support for the country’s bipartisan leadership and leave the war cabinet.

Gantz’s withdrawal movement had been expected for weeks. Now he appeared in front of the cameras on the evening before US security advisor Jake Sullivan’s visit to Jerusalem and called on the prime minister to change course by June 8th. Gantz mentioned six points as a condition – but he was immediately rejected by Netanyahu.

A withdrawal would not bring down the war coalition

For Netanyahu, a withdrawal by Gantz and the Party of National Unity would still not be the end, and new elections would not be absolutely necessary. His coalition would still have a majority of four votes in the 120-member parliament. However, the prime minister would be even more dependent on the support of the extreme right, who are calling for even more aggressive warfare. If the right-wing government collapses, new elections would be inevitable. According to current polls, Gantz would be assured of a clear majority.

Former Chief of General Staff and Defense Minister Gantz’s move reflects the mood on the street. There was also a demonstration on Saturday evening with tens of thousands of participants discussing the fate of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas and calling for negotiations to release the approximately 130 men and women. The body of a man kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 was recovered on Saturday. It was the fourth dead person found within two days. The fate of the hostages has again come into public awareness in recent weeks.

liveWar in the Middle East

:Minister Gantz gives Netanyahu an ultimatum

If the cabinet does not present a post-war plan for Gaza by June 8, Gantz is threatening to leave the government. Thousands of people are protesting against Netanyahu in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

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The tensions in the war cabinet have been the subject of central speculation in the Gaza war for months: How long can Prime Minister Netanyahu stay in power and avoid new elections? By joining the unity cabinet, Gantz had effectively given Netanyahu a free hand to wage war, thereby giving priority to the national need for security and protection from Hamas. The grueling negotiations with Hamas, the recently failed ceasefire agreement and the massive pressure, mainly from the USA, on Netanyahu have influenced the public mood Israel fired up again.

Six conditions for a new policy

In his televised address on Saturday evening, Gantz set six conditions under which the demand for a post-war political order is at the top. Gantz speaks of a security control of the Gaza Strip by Israel, but also a civil administration by the USA, the European states, the Arab neighbors and also the Palestinians. The central demand is to conduct negotiations with the aim of releasing the hostages. However, Gantz also speaks of dismantling Hamas and demilitarizing the Gaza Strip. The demand for an expansion of compulsory military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews will trigger widespread support among the secular part of the population. Other points concern the return of Israeli residents to the north of the country and the further normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia.

Netanyahu reacted with his usual sharpness. He accused Gantz of giving the prime minister an ultimatum instead of Hamas. “The conditions set by Gantz are empty words whose meaning is clear: the end of the war and the defeat of Israel.” For weeks, Netanyahu has refused to present a political plan for the post-war period, agreeing with the ultra-right parties in his coalition.

However, Gantz’s ultimatum now presents him with a dilemma: If the parties of national unity leave the war cabinet, the influence of the ultra-right around Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir will grow. Netanyahu would be driven ever more radically and would have to expect serious public protests. Gantz made this dilemma clear in his televised address, warning Netanyahu not to follow the “path of fanatics who are leading the entire nation into the abyss.” Even in Netanyahu’s own party, the Likud, the critical voices have not been silenced. Defense Minister Joav Gallant warned Netanyahu a few days ago to put the nation’s interests above “personal or political costs.”

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