“Operations will increase in the coming hours” to remove the blockades between Nouméa and the airport, says Gérald Darmanin

Fabien Roussel says he is in favor of a “decolonization process” to achieve “a form of independence” in New Caledonia

The boss of the Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, spoke out on Sunday for “a form of independence” of New Caledonia. “Whether in New Caledonia or Polynesia, I am for these peoples to take their destiny into their own hands and engage in a process of decolonization, which must lead to a form of independence”declared Mr. Roussel in the program “Le Grand Rendez-Vous”, broadcast by Europe 1, CNews and THE Echoes.

“Those who live on the island today want to be able to live there all together”affirmed Mr. Roussel, estimating: “It is up to the inhabitants of New Caledonia to decide on this process. » To do this, even if it means organizing a fourth referendum on independence. “If that’s what they decide, let’s do it.”he added.

Other political leaders have mentioned this idea of ​​a new referendum, in particular the leader of the deputies of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, who envisages it over a period of forty years.

Fabien Roussel, however, pleaded for “maintain close, peaceful, fraternal ties with the Caledonian community”particularly in matters of defence, considering that ” if they [étaient] totally independent, they[auraie]can’t afford to have their own army.”.

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