Scrabble celebrates its 75th anniversary… What memories do you have of this cult game?

April 13, 2023 is a day that counts triple. First is today World Scrabble Day, annual celebration of lovers of the cult game. In addition, this year is special since Scrabble celebrates its 75th anniversary. And to complete the picture, 20 minutes is launching today a big contest of anecdotes related to your wild games of Scrabble. A “k” placed on a “letter counts double”, an “s” which lengthens your opponent’s word just enough to earn you the same points multiplied by three, unlikely searches in the dictionary to find out if the word “tournadon” does exist…

While waiting to collect your stories (at the end of the article) for a future article, we can already tell you that it’s the mega teuf (term not eligible for a game of Scrabble) to celebrate April 13th. Slammer Chloé M. has composed an ode to Scrabble and the French language, with a special performance in front of the Eiffel Tower. In the United Kingdom, designer J. Smith Esquire has created a crown made of Scrabble chips in honor of the upcoming coronation of King Charles III… We’re going from there.

In the meantime, we are counting on you for your anecdotes by filling out the form or commenting on the article.

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