Munich: CSU is not allowed to take part in the CSD parade – Munich

The Munich CSU is again not allowed to take part in the Christopher Street Day (CSD) political parade with its own car this year. The organizers confirmed that the city council faction’s registration had been rejected. First they had Evening News reported about it.

The traditional parade of the LGBTIQ community in 2024 has the motto “United in diversity – together against the right” and will take place on June 22nd. The organizers justify their rejection of a CSU car with the state CSU’s fundamental attitude towards queer lifestyles. In the context of Prime Minister Markus Söder’s gender ban, the CSD sees it “very critically” that a CSU city councilor recently tried to “implement this at the local level” with a proposal on gender, as CSD spokesman Tobias Weismantel explained. “This shows that the Munich CSU reacts no differently than the state CSU in this regard.”

For CSU parliamentary group leader Manuel Pretzl, this is “an alibi argument.” He and his party colleagues are very disappointed with the decision. It is “completely ignoring everything else we have done for the community,” said Pretzl. Thomas Schmid, the LGBTIQ representative of the CSU city council, considers the exclusion to be “maximally counterproductive”. Precisely because of the slogan against the right, it is incomprehensible to exclude a large democratic party.

In contrast, Weismantel emphasized: “We are not excluding the CSU from the CSD, we just don’t see them at the political parade. We would like to invite the CSU to be present at the street festival.” The CSU recently set up an information stand at this two-day event in the city center; It is currently questionable whether she will do so again this year.

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