Psychology: How poor sleep and daydreams are related – Knowledge

Those who cannot find peace at night are often less concentrated during the day. What researchers know about the whirlwind of low mood, insomnia, and mental drift.


Sebastian Herrmann

With this concentration, it is often like trying to transport water in a colander. Once the mind is finally flowing in the desired direction, a few moments later the thoughts are whirling through the metaphorical holes of the sieve again. There they split up into individual rays, gurgling along, and just before the outflow of oblivion they mix again to form a cloudy soup. It doesn’t even need a reason or an external stimulus for the thoughts to turn away unintentionally: just stare into space for a moment and everything in your head will tumble all over again. During 20 to 50 percent of the waking lifetime, it is estimated that the neuron impulses in the brain somersault and produce spontaneous tails. Not everyone is equally prone to this thought gallop. But those who are hit harder are probably also complaining about another sapping adversity: poor sleep.

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