New Year’s Eve fireworks: Generally allowed – Ebersberg

This time, too, it should be a rather quiet New Year’s festival in the district, after all, fireworks will not be sold again this year. However, if you still have some in stock, you can fire it. Neither the district nor the municipalities will issue special regulations on New Year’s Eve, such as setting up restricted areas.

This possibility exists at the district level, for example, by means of a general decree, bans could be imposed for certain places where things are traditionally high on New Year’s Eve. As the district office announced, however, it will be avoided – also because the classic party miles in the district do not exist. In larger public places, however, the police will increasingly patrol the night of the turn of the year.

Fire protection makes prohibitions possible

It is ultimately up to the municipalities to decide whether and where it is allowed to shoot on New Year’s Eve, regardless of the protection against infection. For example, by referring to a particular fire hazard, fireworks can be prohibited in certain areas – if there are such endangered areas. Two years ago, appropriate restrictions were discussed in Vaterstetten. However, there were doubts that these could be justified in court. As Mayor Leonhard Spitzauer (CSU) now explains, there are no buildings that are classified as particularly endangered. In any case, he doesn’t expect a lot of fireworks to be set off this year. Last year, the sales ban was said to have resulted in significantly less roaring, and that is also to be expected this year.

Something similar is expected in the district town. Main Office Manager Erich Ipsen refers to the past turn of the year, where significantly fewer fireworks could be seen and heard than usual on New Year’s Eve. Despite the historical building structure, there are no protected areas in Ebersberg due to the risk of fire, only an appeal from the city not to boar on or even in the protected area around the Klostersee. In general, there was a semi-official firecracker ban in Ebersberg: it was in 2019 – at that time, however, in order not to endanger the party guests in the monastery building yard, which should not be feared this year due to the lack of celebration.

There is also a general firecracker permit in Poing. Just like in the other municipalities, there are no endangered areas that could justify a ban, says Muriel Brodbeck, managing director of the town hall. In Grafing, the firecracker question was only a topic in the city council at the beginning of December: Greens and leftists wanted to ban private fireworks on urban land – but failed because of the majority in the committee.

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