High school Putzbrunn – Preliminary classes start in Neubiberg – district of Munich

This is definitely a good place to learn: The bright, friendly wooden building on the sports field of the Neubiberg Gymnasium serves as a temporary facility for the previous classes of the Putzbrunn Gymnasium and will start operating on Tuesday, punctually at the start of the new school year. The building was completed last week and was officially opened with a small celebration on Monday. District administrator Christoph Göbel (CSU), representatives of the company Liwood, which constructed the building, the municipalities of the Zweckverband state secondary schools in the south-east of the district of Munich and the school management of the Neubiberger Gymnasium were there. “We are very satisfied,” says Reinhard Rolvering, director of the Neubiberger Gymnasium. “It turned out to be a very beautiful building.”

The headmaster thinks the building is a great success, both from a pedagogical and from a planning point of view. For example, good soundproofing is guaranteed. The rooms in the three-story provisional are bright, the classrooms are located around a so-called learning island – that is the free area in the middle. Two forerunner classes are now moving in here. Six seventh graders from the Neubiberger Gymnasium will also be taught here. The bridge class with Ukrainian students, on the other hand, is now supposed to be located in the main building. The interim building is designed for up to twelve preliminary classes in grades five, six and seven.

The wooden building on the site of the Neubiberg school is to remain for three years. The high school cannot handle more than three previous years, which also has to do with the return to the G9. Recently it became known that the Putzbrunner Gymnasium will only be completed a year later than originally planned, i.e. for the 2026 school year. That is why the plan is now that the provisional solution for the 2025 school year will be on a municipal property on Münchner Straße in Putzbrunn for another year pulls.

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