Deaths jumped 78% in Guadeloupe compared to 2019

Between June 1 and September 20, the number of deaths increased by 78% in Guadeloupe and 69% in Martinique, compared to the same period of 2019, a year without a coronavirus epidemic, announced INSEE
in statistics released this Friday.

For the whole of France, the number of deaths is 3% higher over the period from June 1 to September 20 compared to the same period of 2019 (178,075 deaths, +5,799), according to INSEE, which chose to favor the comparison with the year 2019, a year without a Covid epidemic.

A 227% difference in August

It is significantly higher for people aged 65 to 74 (+ 8.9%) and for 75-84 (+ 6.0%). In mainland France, the number of deaths recorded over this period is 2% higher than in 2019, and even higher in seven regions, including Corsica (+ 8%), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (+ 7%) and Occitania (+ 6%).

But the gap is still much higher in the overseas departments, in particular the West Indies, hit hard by the Covid-19 epidemic this summer. “In Guadeloupe, the increase in deaths was very clear at the beginning of August and accelerated in the middle of the month: the deaths occurring during the month of August 2021 are more than three times higher than those in August 2019 (+227 %), while the deaths that occurred in June and July 2021 are at the same level as in 2019, ”observes INSEE.

Mortality is also exploding in Guyana

“In Martinique, the increase in deaths began in July. The increase in deaths is also very important there in August, but a little less than in Guadeloupe ”(+ 175%), notes INSEE. In these two departments of the West Indies, in September we see a return to mortality levels close to 2019.

Between June 1 and September 20, deaths in 2021 are also significantly higher than those in 2019 in Guyana (+ 55%, with a continuous increase in deaths since the end of May) and in Reunion (also affected by an epidemic dengue fever) with an increase of 21%. In Mayotte, the increase is 16%.

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