ChatGPT: OpenAI defends itself in dispute over AI voice

OpenAI defends itself in dispute over AI voice

The AI ​​voice “Sky” has led to a dispute between OpenAI and Scarlett Johansson. Photo

© Jordan Strauss/AP/dpa

Scarlett Johansson put OpenAI under pressure by asking why one of ChatGPT’s voices sounded so similar to her own. The company now wants to prove that this was not planned.

Following the controversy surrounding an AI voice from ChatGPT, the developer company OpenAI confirms that this is not Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson. OpenAI provided the Washington Post with documents that were supposed to prove that recordings of another actress for the computer voice had been made months before Johansson was asked to do the job.

Johansson had asked OpenAI through lawyers to clarify why an AI voice presented by the company sounded “eerily similar” to her own. She also revealed that OpenAI boss Sam Altman offered her to be the template for a ChatGPT voice last September. Johansson refused. A good ten years ago, she played the role of an AI assistant in the film “Her,” with whom the protagonist played by Joaquin Phoenix falls in love.

The voice called “Sky” that is at the center of the dispute was also first released by OpenAI in September 2023. However, many pointed out a similarity to Johansson’s voice, especially after the demonstration of a fluent conversation with a new version of the software ten days ago. Johansson wrote that she was “shocked and angry” when she heard the AI ​​voice. OpenAI responded that it was never planned to make the voice sound like Johansson’s – but turned off “Sky” as a precaution.

The Washington Post was able to hear original recordings of the actress who provided the template for “Sky”. She sounded very similar to the computer voice, the article said. According to the actress’ agent, “Her” or Johansson were never mentioned by OpenAI. She herself emphasized in a statement that in everyday life she was not told that her voice was similar to Johansson’s.

Five computer voices

The responsible OpenAI manager, Joanne Jang, also told the newspaper that “Sky” didn’t sound like Johansson to her. When developing the five computer voices, she worked with a film director, among others. OpenAI’s head of technology, Mira Murati, was the decision-maker on the executive floor.

At the same time, it remains unclear why, according to Johansson, Altman approached her again a few days before the screening in early May and asked her to change her mind. Shortly after the live demonstration, Altman published a post on the online platform X with the word “her”.

OpenAI could face legal problems if the voice was intentionally made to resemble Johansson’s. Actress Bette Midler was able to prevail in a lawsuit against Ford. In the 1980s, Ford tried in vain to get Midler to set music to advertising clips – and then hired a voice impersonator.


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