“Without the night”, a solidarity web series to give voice to those who make the night

Faf Larage, rapper, eventeuse, testifies in the webseries “Without the night”. – DR

  • The 20-episode “Nightless” web series will be released this Monday on Youtube and Facebook.
  • This voluntary and solidarity project gives voice to the women and men who have been making the night in Marseille, invisible and silent for over a year.

A long dark corridor lit by a few fluorescent neon lights and at the end a vaulted room with a long bar in a row. Unfortunately no, the nightclubs have not reopened, but that of the Trolleybus, in Marseille, could hear the voices of those who make the night in Marseille resonate for a short morning. This is where the preview of the web documentary series took place Without the Night, carried out voluntarily by Nicolas Debru.

“Since the start of the pandemic, supporters have organized marauding, chefs have offered baskets to students or caregivers, bartenders have made their bar available for hairdressers. A lot of solidarity has been put in place, this virus moves people away but can also bring people together. I wanted to put my stone to the building through the universe of the night. We don’t talk about it enough, the night is extinct when it is used to decompress, to find ourselves, to share, to have fun, to many things. Without forgetting that it is an important part of the economy ”, framework Nicolas Debru.

“Life has been over for a year”

Through a web series of 20 episodes of two to three minutes, he gave voice to many actors of Marseille nightlife such as DJ and producer FAZE, rapper Faf Larage, chef Ludovic Turac, OM supporter René Malleville through three questions: How do you find the night today? How was the night before? And how do you see the night of tomorrow? The 20 episodes, broadcast on Youtube and
Facebook, every day from this Monday are built around testimonies, and archive images.

Among these testimonies that of Anthony Pappalardo, director and partner of the Trolleybus, with tears in his eyes when discussing his situation. “This place which allowed me to reveal myself as a man has been extinct since March 14, 2020. In all political speeches, in the media, we have the impression of being the poor relatives. The word disco is hardly ever mentioned. A large part of the people continued to work, we are finished. We’ve been muzzled for a year, life has been over for a year. While we are an entire section of the economy with two billion euros for the night sector, ”he testifies.

Anthony Pappalardo, eventeuse, testifies in the webseries “Without the night”. – DR

Emilie Perreti defines herself as “eventeuse”, she who left her job as an educator to embark on this activity a year before the start of the pandemic. “It’s a difficult concept to define, which comes from the term influencer except that I have nothing to sell except me and my good humor. We always do this together and we come to set the mood in the evening through my skills as a bartender, restaurateur and relationship. This pandemic cut off my wings, I was going to confirm what I had just created and came away super frustrated. We were able to have a breath of fresh air for a month this summer, but it’s all the more frustrating, ”she says.

“They took away my reason for living”

To the point of feeling “slipping”. “We’re off, we’re scared, we see each other leaving, I see myself getting lost. I even had not insignificant health problems at the time of my healthiest life and somewhere I wonder if it is not because I was taken away from my reason for living. Suddenly, I had my joints paralyzed while I was dancing and I was physically in the action, ”says Emilie.

Emilie Perreti, eventeuse, testifies in the webseries “Without the night”.
Emilie Perreti, eventeuse, testifies in the webseries “Without the night”. – DR

So many strong testimonies and archive images that give back terribly to going out at night in a project unique in France, and as hoped by Nicolas Debru, who will be emulated in other cities.

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