The inaugural flight “will take place during the first two weeks of July”

The shooting window is narrowing. The Ariane 6 teams “are in the process of reducing the launch period and the first attempt will take place during the first two weeks of July” has just announced Ariane Group and the European Space Agency (ESA) and Cnes in a statement. “We are on track and in line with the launch period that was communicated last November. »

The launch period for the inaugural flight previously extended between June 15 and July 31. A definitive date for the first launch attempt will be communicated during the ILA air show in Berlin (Germany), which will be held from June 5 to 9 and at which all members of the working group will be present.

Qualification review mid-June

The central body of the first Ariane 6 rocket, including the main and upper stages as well as the boosters, was installed in April on the launch pad of the Guiana Space Center. The two stages were then transferred horizontally from the launcher assembly building, located 800 meters away, using four automated guided vehicles, before being erected on the launch pad.

The launch system qualification review, i.e. the final examination of the Ariane 6 rocket and launch system – necessary to give the green light to the maiden flight – will be completed in mid-June. Next, the “upper composite”, consisting of the launcher adapter, payloads and fairing for the Ariane 6-1 flight model, will be transported from the encapsulation hall to the launch pad.

Initially planned for 2020, this first flight of Ariane 6, designed to face competition from the American launcher Space X, has been postponed several times due to the Covid-19 pandemic and development difficulties.

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