“What you want” at the Schauspiel Stuttgart: It’s just theater – culture

If you take the final applause as an indication, then Burkhard C. Kosminski did everything right, the audience went wild with enthusiasm and even started clapping rhythmically like at carnival. This production of Shakespeare’s “What You Want” at the Schauspiel Stuttgart was also funny, at least if you like it more casually. Florian Etti’s stage is a wooden floor made of raw wood, sometimes with three glass walls staggered one behind the other, in which the characters can be reflected or the audience can all ask themselves who they actually are. Then there are three narrow, red curtains somewhere in the room, behind which you can hide and do mischief. There’s no need for more, Kosminski is doing raw, analogue, direct theater here, which is very nice in itself, but where or what it’s aiming at, what his actual intention for the evening is, you don’t know. It’s just theater, the post-corona guests are thrilled.

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