What to do when children are overwhelmed by bad news – Munich

Young people often feel overwhelmed by world events. Psychotherapist Ellen Greimel explains how reports and images of the numerous crises affect the psyche – and how parents can help.

Corona, climate crisis, war in Ukraine and now in the Middle East: this also leaves its mark on children and young people. Private lecturer Ellen Greimel is a scientist at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) and licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist. Her focus is depression. They have increased significantly in recent years. Greimel, herself the mother of two schoolchildren, has the website “I am everything” from LMU and the Beisheim Foundation, where young people and parents can find out about depression and treatment options. This offer was recently supplemented by a portal for teachers (“I am everything@school”). In an interview, she explains why some are more resilient than others and what parents can do to support their children.

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