What the Munich Literature Festival offers – an overview – Munich

This year’s Munich Literature Festival is focused on the topic of heirs. Not only the “Forum” is characterized by questions between yesterday and tomorrow, but also the festival program of the Literaturhaus, the book show in the Haus der Kunst, a “Munich track” in the Monacensia. And we also think about the future with a large children’s and youth program.

“What’s next?” This is the big question of all time, and it seems particularly urgent at the moment. It is the title of an evening at the Munich Literature Festival, which will ask and possibly answer a wide variety of questions from November 15th to December 3rd. In this special case, former Federal President Joachim Gauck will talk to the writer Lukas Bärfuss about his and our political heritage at the Literaturfest Forum (November 20th).

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