That’s why you shouldn’t buy them

Seeds in grapes are not very popular. They interfere with chewing and taste bitter. That’s why many people buy the seedless versions. But how are the fruits grown and are they really healthy or even dangerous?

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the essentials in brief

  • The Per capita consumption of grapes in Germany is approximately five kilograms per year.

  • Kernels are unpopular: they taste bitter. However, they are packed with valuable nutrientsessential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

  • The ingredients have a positive effect on consumption digestive tract out of, prevents skin aging and supports the immune system.

  • Important: The Chew the seeds. Otherwise the nutrients cannot be absorbed by your body.

Seedless grapes are often treated with hormones!

Yes, a grape seed between your teeth can be annoying. And no, it can’t score points with taste either. For most he is unpleasantly bitter. Seedless grape varieties are just right for many people. But the first thing is already in this sentence problem – they are just that Breeds.

Coming though seedless variants certainly also occurs in nature, but as a rule they are Berries very small.

This was the case with the commercially available seedless grapes artificial plant hormone Gibberellins addedto make them bigger. This is considered harmless for human consumption, but research results on possible long-term effects are still lacking.

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Why are kernels so healthy?

But they are also independent of it Seedless grapes are the worse choice, even though they are now more commonly offered than varieties with seeds. Because what makes the sweet fruits so healthy are the substances in the unpleasant seeds. Among other things, it contains oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC), which antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory Characteristics be attributed. In addition, they should Promote heart health and that immune system strengthen.

The important thing is: If you want to benefit from the advantages of the cores, you have to chew up. This is the only way to get the active ingredients and nutrients directly into your body.

It is better to eat dark grapes instead of light ones

Good reasons to choose grapes with seeds – and ideally, with these blue respectively red or black. Because they contain one higher proportion of resveratrol as green and also particularly high in quercetin. Resveratrol is often used as Anti-aging miracle celebrated because it is said to counteract skin aging and protect cells from free radicals. Quercetin is a Plant pigment with similar effects and should moreover Relieve allergy symptoms because it has anti-histamine and anti-viral properties.

Incidentally, there are over 16,000 grape varieties known. Those intended for consumption are called Table grapes. If wine is made from them, it is called Wine grapes.

Common questions about seedless grapes

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