We have unraveled the mystery of this unique hair that systematically grows and grows back on women’s chins

  • Hair on the chin is not a shame since it affects almost all women.
  • This hair can be caused by hormones, age, certain diseases or even genetics.
  • To get rid of it, there’s nothing like tweezers, wax, laser or even a razor.

In the complex world of feminine aesthetics, there are aspects that are often overlooked and sometimes taboo. Among them, there is one which affects millions of women around the world every day and which remains a delicate subject: hair on the chin. Many consider this peculiarity unexpected, even annoying, and yet it is essential to understand that the phenomenon is much more widespread than we think. Between hormonal factors, genetic influences and pathologies, we asked the dermatologist Marie Jourdan to explain to us the reasons for the endless regrowth of this hair.

Is it normal to have one or more hairs on your chin when you are a woman?

Have hair on the chin, this is completely normal. It’s even everyone’s prerogative. In reality, we are all born with the same number of small hairs on our chin. But with puberty, the level of male hormones in men will allow the development of this down into a beard. Whereas in women, the level of male hormones, even if they exist and women secrete them, are not sufficient to transform this little miniaturized hair. If a woman has hair growing on her chin, it is probably linked to a hormonal imbalance, an imbalance in favor of male hormones.

What can explain this hormonal imbalance?

One of the hormonal imbalances that affects us all is menopause. This moment when the ovaries will reduce the production of estrogen until it stops, giving pride of place to male hormones. But sometimes, you don’t need to wait until menopause. Genetic-ethnic origins can favor the appearance of hair on the chin, either because there is a slight hormonal imbalance in favor, or because the sensitivity of the receptors on the hair is passed from generation to generation. , to hormones. And so these hair bulbs, these manufacturing plants having receptors more sensitive to male hormones, even without having a hormonal imbalance, can facilitate the growth of hair on the chin.

Sometimes, when there are several hairs on the chin, we can ask ourselves the question of a hirsutism. To be sure, we will do a hormonal assessment to see if there is an underlying disease that could explain this imbalance. This hair growth can also be linked to the famous syndrome of polycystic ovaries where the ovaries will produce more testosterone. It can even be linked to hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, which can lead to a tumor of these glands. But don’t panic, you’ll quickly realize this in the blood test.

How to get rid of it?

It’s easy to pull on it to get rid of it. All hair removal methods are therefore possible to remove this hair: tweezers, depilatory creams, wax or even the razor, because contrary to urban legend, it is not because you shave your hair that you ‘it will become thicker. We can also turn to a more definitive method which will destroy the hair factory: thelaser hair removal. But this is only done if there is no hormonal problem.

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