Waiter rides to work – panorama

Everyone grumbles about the skyrocketing fuel prices, only very few act. One of them is Louis Geneix, a waiter from Lapte in south-eastern France. He says he got by on 80 euros a month for his diesel up until December. The costs have since more than doubled. That’s why he wants to leave his Renault Clio at home more often – and ride to work. This is practical because you don’t have to scrape the frost off the pane in the morning.

In general, the 21-year-old is lucky. On the one hand, because as a horse owner he has an alternative that is independent of electricity and fuel. By the way, so much cleverness is allowed, by no means just one horsepower, but up to 24 hp raises! On the other hand, his seven-year-old mare Eole is used to traffic and, unlike most commuters, remains deeply relaxed on the road.

According to French media, both rode for the first time on Monday to the brasserie “Le Y”, where Louis Geneix waits tables. It took him just under an hour to cover the 15 kilometers from Lapte to Yssingeaux, Geneix said the channel France3. Parking is also not an issue: Eole grazes on a meadow in front of the restaurant until the end of the shift with a bucket of water and a ration of feed.

For now, Geneix wants to ride to work at least once a week. It’s only difficult for the late shift, he says, “since I can’t ride home at night.” That’s right – a horse like that doesn’t have headlights either. It is not known whether the two are entitled to a commuter allowance. Either way, Eole deserves an extra helping of oats.

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