Wage gap between women and men in Bavaria at 21 percent – Bavaria

Women in Bavaria earned 21 percent less than men last year. The gender-specific wage gap is even larger than the national average, where it was 18 percent. Specifically, the numbers mean: “Compared to their male colleagues, women work 66 days in Germany and 77 days in Bavaria without compensation,” the State Office for Statistics announced on Wednesday on Equal Pay Day. The day of action is celebrated in Germany on March 6th and in Bavaria on March 17th. It is calculated from the days that women work without compensation. On March 6th the year is 66 days old, on March 17th it is 77 days old.

The gender pay gap in Bavaria, adjusted for structural differences between the sexes, will be seven percent in 2023 (2022: seven percent). The nationwide average is also lower – it is six percent (2022: seven percent). Differences between the genders can be seen, for example, in career choice, scope of employment, level of education, professional experience or the proportion of people in management positions.

To determine the wage gap adjusted for these differences, women and men with comparable labor market and job-relevant characteristics are compared. If you look at the unadjusted gender pay gap, according to statisticians, women in Bavaria earned an average of 21.24 euros gross per hour last year – 5.61 euros less than men.

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