Unsubstantiated allegations: Maaßen, Bhakdi and the vaccinations

Status: 03/01/2022 4:40 p.m.

Ex-constitutional protection chief Maaßen has advertised a video of the controversial Professor Bhadki, who is repeatedly criticized with questionable allegations about Corona. CDU politician Prien calls for consequences.

By Patrick Gensing, tagesschau.de

Once again, the former President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, is causing heated controversy. The occasion is a video that Maaßen shared on the GETTR platform: “Moving appeal from Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on the urgent need for a Covid vaccination ban,” commented Maaßen. That caused severe criticism – also in the own party.

The video of emeritus microbiology professor Bhakdi was published on December 22, 2021 on the Rumble platform. It is entitled “The proof is there: Vaccination destroys the immune system”. Bhakdi begins his remarks in the video with the appeal to stop arguing about details, rather the facts are on the table. All gene-based vaccines, meaning mRNA vaccines, produced the same result, said Bhakdi. The body’s immune system is destroyed. The basis for this claim should be samples from 15 autopsies that the pathologist Arne Burkhardt examined.

Professional association distances itself

Burkhardt, a retired pathologist, had already spoken with fellow campaigners about deaths in the fall allegedly related to vaccinations. The German Society for Pathology clearly distanced himself of the comments made by “two retired pathologists and an electrical engineer”. It is “a matter of personal expressions of opinion and not the position of our specialist society. As others have already criticized, the data presented are not scientifically founded”.

At the beginning of December, the retired pathologist gave a presentation at an “international symposium” – a video conference – that was supposed to show the alarming consequences of the vaccinations.

However, the results can hardly be reliably understood or evaluated, since neither the selection of the data, nor the methodology or the background of the investigation are clear. How was the investigation planned? Where does the data come from? How were these selected? What period of time do the samples that were examined come from? Who was involved in the investigation? Questions that remain largely unclear.

“They’re killing our children”

Still, Bhakdi gives the impression that the presentation of a few slides in a video is ultimate evidence. The data are “so devastating” that one does not have to look for more to show the risks of the vaccinations.

“They are killing our children,” claims Bhakdi. “I can’t stand it,” he continues – and announces that I want to flee “from this damned country” so that “our” four-year-old son is not “shot”.

“Can’t be representative”

The University of Mainz, where Bhakdi had taught until 2012, distanced itself several times from his statements. Various fact checks have documented that Bhakdi makes misleading or unsubstantiated claims. In spring 2020 he carried out in a video, for examplethat the coronavirus is not a major threat. Besides, he claimed, that the body doesn’t need a vaccination at all.

Burkhardt’s remarks and Bhakdi’s conclusions evidently do not meet minimum scientific standards. “Even without pathological knowledge it is obvious that the results of Prof. Burkhardt cannot be representative due to the small number of cases,” announced the German Society for Pathology.

“No risk signal”

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which continuously records and evaluates side effects of and deaths after vaccinations, recorded in its report of December 23, 2021:

A comparison of the number of reported deaths between one day and six weeks after a COVID-19 vaccination with the statistically random number of deaths to be expected in the same period (data from the Federal Statistical Office) did not result in any of the four COVIDs previously used in Germany -19 vaccines a risk signal. This applies to the booster vaccination and to sudden, unexpected deaths.

Bhakdi has long been considered a key word for corona deniers. He also made headlines with anti-Semitic remarks, and investigations have been resumed after tagesschau.de had reported. For the former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and CDU politician Maaßen, there are obviously no reasons not to share the video with praise.

Exclusion required

Accordingly, there is strong criticism of Maaßen – also from within the own party. Schleswig-Holstein’s education minister Karin Prien, who is also a member of the CDU federal executive board, calls for Maassen to be excluded from the party: “In the past few weeks and months, Mr Maassen has moved further and further away from the basic values ​​of the CDU. His most recent statements about vaccination are totally unacceptable. “

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