Phil Vetter: “Now I’m glad I didn’t become a rock star” – Munich

Phil Vetter was always a gifted musician, and when he was young he did everything he could to become famous. Now, decades later, he is successful – as a photographer. On the question: How do you find what makes you happy?

It’s a thoughtful pose. The left hand supports the chin, the right hand holds a vase containing dried flowers. Phil Vetter wears a brown cap and the sleeves of the sweater are rolled up to the elbows. Tattoos can be seen on the arms. He looks into the camera, rigidly, wistfully. The left half of the face is in the dark except for a small spot under the eye, the light is caught in the other half of the face. A portrait like an oil painting by an old master. But it is a photograph. A self-portrait by Phil Vetter. When he was young, he did everything he could to become a rock star. Now, decades later, he is successful – as a photographer. How does he deal with it?

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