Microplastics found in the testes of humans and dogs participating in a study

Researchers from the University of New Mexico (United States) discovered microparticles of plastic material in the testicles of the subjects they studied as part of their scientific work. Specialists were interested in humans and dogs. Microplastics were found in each of the individuals who participated in the study without exception, indicated the authors of the text published on May 15 in Toxicological Science.

Scientists said that the level of plastic detected in the reproductive organs of humans was almost three times higher than in animals. On average, one gram of human tissue contained some 329 micrograms of plastic. Those responsible for the study did not hide their surprise at these results. Twelve different types of microplastics were also found during the analyses. The most frequently present was polyethylene (PE).

Sperm count

This molecule is used in particular to make plastic bags and bottles, indicates Science Alert this Monday. It happens to be known for its leading role in plastic pollution. The authors of the study also decided to evaluate the sperm concentration in the subjects in order to reveal a possible effect on fertility. They focused on dogs, as the operation was not possible in humans.

In animal tissues, scientists showed that low sperm counts were correlated with high polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This observation is all the more worrying as this polymer is very widespread throughout the world, in factories and in homes. However, researchers now wish to carry out a similar count on human subjects in order to determine whether they are also victims of the same phenomenon.

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