Two girls injured with knives in front of their school, a suspect arrested

Two girls aged 6 and 11 were slightly injured Thursday during a knife attack near their school in Souffelweyersheim (Bas-Rhin), we learned from reliable sources. Information confirmed by the Bas-Rhin prefecture in a press release.

The little girls were taken care of by emergency services in a “relative emergency” according to a close source, while the attacker was arrested according to the gendarmerie. “A medico-psychological emergency unit has been set up within the school,” indicates the prefect.

“Superficial injuries”

According to the gendarmerie, the 11-year-old girl was stabbed in front of the school, the other was stabbed in a nearby square. Presenting “superficial injuries”, they were hospitalized in pediatric emergency. The assailant was arrested shortly after 2:15 p.m. in the square, again according to the same source. He no longer had a knife in his hand and let it happen.

According to the gendarmerie, the man is “not known to the services”, and his motivations “do not seem to be linked to radicalization”.

The children were confined to the school. In front of the school, several dozen parents were waiting and several fire and law enforcement vehicles had taken up positions.

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