To extinguish your anger, write your volcanic thoughts on a piece of paper then throw it away, advises a Japanese study

Write instead of shouting. This is the theory of Japanese researchers, who have found a new way to let off steam: Write down your volcanic thoughts, then throw the paper in the trash, or better, in a paper shredder.

This method should “reduce anger”, according to Professor Nobuyuki Kawai of Nagoya University (central Japan), who led this study published this week in the British journal Scientific Reports.

The course of the study

In order to carry out the study, around a hundred students participated in an experiment during which they had to give their written opinions on societal subjects. Bad grades were then deliberately given to them, with sometimes very harsh comments.

To test the hypothesis, the students had to write their feelings on a sheet of paper, after collecting their corrected copies. Half of the panel then had to tear up the sheet and throw it away, while the other half had to keep this paper and put it away.

The researchers found that “the subjective anger of the group that threw away the leaf decreased” almost entirely, while that of the group that kept the leaves remained high.

This technique would “neutralize anger”

“This study shows that the act of physically throwing away a piece of paper containing one’s (negative) thoughts written about the causes of a triggering event neutralizes anger, whereas simply keeping the piece of paper does not produce this effect “, noted the researchers.

“But we were surprised to find that anger was almost completely suppressed” via this emotion management technique, added Mr. Kawai in a press release.

“This study is important because being able to control anger in a home or work environment can reduce negative consequences at work or in our personal lives,” Nagoya University said.

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