Three key figures on this scourge that is all too present in France

On the other end of the line, most of the time they are adults. The two monitoring officers of the System to combat minor prostitution (DLPM), set up on April 3, 2023, are behind the handset to guide and transmit the information collected to the competent authorities. They are rarely alerted by young people directly concerned by the facts, who represent only 4% of calls taken by this specific section of the 119 (national telephone reception service for children in danger). This is one of the figures that emerges from the report presented this Monday on the occasion of the first anniversary of the platform, launched as part of the interministerial plan initiated in November 2021.

Girls in 94% of cases

There is no standard profile of the victim of prostitution when it comes to minors. However, young girls represent the vast majority of cases recorded by DLPM data. Thus, 94% of minors mentioned during reports are girls. 5% of cases are boys and 1% transgender people. These young people placed on the prostitution market are on average 15 years old, but child protection services have noted a younger age of the victims in recent months with an increase in reports concerning people aged 12 or 13.

Mothers, the first whistleblowers

Among the calls received by the DLPM, 43% are from people from the first family circle of the minor who is a prostitute. And in this configuration, 71% are the mothers of these young people. Beyond mothers, extended family or close family members, such as uncles and aunts, cousins ​​or family friends, represent 14% of calls received by 119 for cases of prostitution of minors.

Professionals such as child welfare, police or gendarmerie personnel, National Education or even the world of health account for 20% of reports. The low rate of calls from minors to 119 for this question shows that in-depth work on prevention remains necessary among young people.

Signs of psychological suffering in 86% of cases

There are multiple signals for identifying minors involved in prostitution. Signs of psychological suffering concern 86% of cases. This suffering can manifest itself in different forms, such as scarification, eating disorders or even symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

Running away is also very common, in 84% of cases recorded by the DLPM. 70% of these minors are also affected by school disinvestment, including 37% who are completely out of school. Finally, 51% of these minors consume narcotics or alcohol.

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