The head of socialist negotiators says he is “a few steps away from a historic agreement” with LFI

The head of socialist negotiators Pierre Jouvet said Tuesday “a few steps from a historic agreement” with La France insoumise for the legislative elections, believing that “the left are not so irreconcilable”.

“We are a few steps away from a historic agreement, there are still some adjustments,” said Pierre Jouvet on Europe 1. “I hope we will achieve this, because we all have the feeling of building something historic. “, he insisted.

Negotiations resume Tuesday morning at the headquarters of La France insoumise, placed in a position of strength thanks to the 22% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the presidential election. An agreement between rebels and environmentalists was reached on Sunday evening. The current discussions concern “the programmatic content, the strategic issues, the distribution of the constituencies”, specified Pierre Jouvet. He rejoiced: “We are realizing that the lefts are not so irreconcilable as that”.

Some still opposed to a deal

While a minority current of the PS and several historical figures like François Hollande and Jean-Christophe Cambadélis oppose an agreement, the spokesman of the PS assured that in the final text, “the socialists will be respected”, in particular on secularism and Europe. “I will not come out of these discussions being rebellious”, he relativized.

“Of course we will submit the agreement to the debate”, Tuesday evening at the national office of the PS, promised Pierre Jouvet, in response to requests for internal deliberation. But, he regretted, “some want to continue to believe that nothing happened to the PS”. “Didn’t you see what happened? When you get 600,000 votes, don’t you think that’s disappearance? he exclaimed. “It’s not me who put the PS in this state,” tackled Jouvet.

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