the European Union presents its “condolences” to Iran after the death of Raisi and provokes criticism

Marie Toussaint calls for “changing the economic model” in agriculture

In difficulty in this campaign, five years after the good score achieved by Yannick Jadot (13.4%), the head of the environmentalist list, Marie Toussaint, was on RTL at midday to answer questions from listeners. She was notably questioned about the five lists presenting themselves as ecologists – out of the 37 filed with the Ministry of the Interior –, such as those led by Yann Wehrling, “Positive ecology and territories”, or that of Jean-Marc Governatori, “Ecology at the center”.

“The European elections are proportional, this is precisely the moment when the small parties choose to present themselves, to put forward their proposals”, she explained. But for the elected environmentalist, “the only list that will send green deputies to Parliament is the list [qu’elle conduit] »if however it reaches 5%, minimum threshold to be able to have MEPs.

“We need green deputies. We see it clearly every time there is a crisis, as soon as there is a war, but also an economic, social crisis, the other parties turn away from ecology and undermine environmental protection policies. ‘environment “she added.

Basically, Marie Toussaint returned to her agricultural program by calling for “change economic model”. “We must get out of free trade agreements, change the distribution methods of the Common Agricultural Policy so that it pays for jobs rather than per hectare”, she added. The environmentalist MEP also recalled her ambition to achieve “to carbon neutrality from 2040”. “That means we have to put the resources into it. We need to free up a lot of investment capacity, which goes against the austerity policy put in place by the conservatives, liberals and socialists”she also attacked.

To achieve this carbon neutrality, Mme Toussaint wishes to launch “a policy of sobriety which aims to eliminate energy waste (…) to reduce the size and weight of cars ». She also pleads for “the establishment of a European ecological sovereignty fund”supported by the European Investment Bank, which could “become a majority shareholder of companies” like TotalEnergies.

“We are taking back 50 to 51% of the voting rights to remove all investments from fossil fuels and put them into renewable energiesshe clarified. We must stop investing in coal, oil and gas. And so we cannot let these companies continue to pollute. »

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