The five strongest moments of “Secret Weapons”

“Koh-Lanta”: The top 5 of the best moments of “Secret Weapons” – 20 minutes

Betrayal has never looked so good as this year in Koh Lanta. Thanks to secret weapons, the twentieth classic season of the TF1 game has entered a new dimension, focused more on strategy, while giving pride of place to events, the outcome of which has often been uncertain. More than ever, Denis Brogniart and his new sentence pronounced during the councils, “does anyone, tonight, wish to use a secret weapon? “, Wavered the candidates.

Even if the level of this season has not always been constant, with good first weeks and a softer second part, Koh Lanta Still gave us great TV moments. On the one hand, there were strategies, including those led by the infernal duo formed by Laure and Maxine, who notably worked to eliminate Candice.

On the other hand, the personalities of a handful of adventurers have been able to spice up the game. Among the strong heads spotted from the first days, we obviously think of Aurélien and Mathieu. But we must not forget Vincent and his many phrases that have become legendary. We talk about all this on video in the brief of the last episode of Secret Weapons.

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