The Court of Appeal regrets Sarkozy’s remarks, which “discredit” justice

An accusation against the accused who himself accuses. The first president of the Paris Court of Appeal, Jacques Boulard, regrets this Friday, via press release, “the personal questioning” by Nicolas Sarkozy of the president of the court who condemned him on appeal in the case known as ” eavesdropping”.

Nicolas Sarkozy was sentenced Wednesday on appeal to three years in prison, including one year firm, to be served under an electronic bracelet, for corruption and influence peddling, a first for a former president.

Gold, In Le Figaro THURSDAY, the former head of state, who appealed to the Court of Cassation, again proclaimed his “innocence” and affirmed that “certain magistrates are in a political fight”. “The president of the chamber who sentenced me attacked me by name in 2009 in an article in the World. Shouldn’t she have walked away, rather than judge a man she had publicly implicated so vehemently? “, he said in particular in this interview about Sophie Clément.

“Discrediting a court decision”

According to Jacques Boulard, this interview with the former tenant of the Elysée amounts to “discrediting a court decision rendered collectively, after contradictory debates”.

And to add: “As recently recalled by the Superior Council of the Judiciary, in a democratic State of law, criticism of a court decision must in no case be expressed by the personal questioning of the magistrate author of the decision.

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