China and Russia want to expand cooperation

As of: May 16, 2024 1:39 p.m

Putin and Xi want to symbolize unity at their meeting – and have decided on closer cooperation in the areas of logistics, transport and energy. However, this is not a partnership of equals.

At a signing ceremony in Beijing, President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a joint declaration during their meeting in the Chinese capital. Accordingly, Russia and China want to deepen their cooperation in various fields such as logistics, transport, energy and agriculture.

Xi congratulated Putin on his fifth term in office, which began last week. Xi said he is convinced that Russia will make great progress under Putin’s leadership.

Putin and Xi sign a joint declaration for closer cooperation.

China does not condemn Russia’s war against Ukraine

China’s head of state praised the friendship between China and Russia. The development of relations between the two countries is conducive to peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Xi Jinping did not say a word about the fact that Russia invaded its neighbor Ukraine and is still waging a war there in violation of international law.

The Russian leader then said that of course he would inform Xi about the “Ukraine crisis.” Putin thanked China’s leadership for their efforts to solve the “problem.”

The Chinese state and party leadership describes itself as neutral and repeatedly emphasizes that it is interested in resolving the conflict. However, China has not yet condemned the Russian attack.

Russia benefits from “dual-use” goods from China

Instead, the two countries have expanded their relations over the past two years. Trade between China and Russia is booming. Although China does not supply weapons to Russia, the US government speaks of evidence that shows that Russia has reorganized its arms industry with the help of China. So-called dual-use goods from China, i.e. goods that can be used both civilly and militarily, are increasingly being used in the war of aggression against Ukraine.

According to Alexander Gabuev from the think tank “Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center” based in Berlin, the two autocratic neighboring countries China and Russia do not have a partnership on equal terms. Russia is more dependent on China than the other way around.

But Russia also has something to offer China. Raw materials from Russia are now cheaper for China. “Because China gets a discount from Russia,” says Gabuev. This involves gas, petroleum and various foods. “There are also arms technologies that Russia has mastered – with nuclear weapons,” says the think tank’s director. In addition, Russia is also an authoritarian state that supports many of China’s opinions in the UN Security Council.

Red carpet for Putin in China

Although Putin is wanted on an international arrest warrant for suspected war crimes in Ukraine, he does not have to fear being arrested in China. Because the People’s Republic does not recognize the International Criminal Court.

Instead, the Russian ruler received the red carpet rolled out and a pompous reception with military honors. In the evening, Putin and Xi attended a gala. It was celebrated that the Soviet Union recognized the People’s Republic of China as a state 75 years ago. Putin also wants to visit the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin, which has historical connections to Russia.

Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Beijing, tagesschau, May 16, 2024 12:40 p.m

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