“Tatort” today from Bremen: ARD repeats the last case of Lürsen and Stedefreund

“Tatort” repetition from Bremen
The dark secret is revealed – the dramatic farewell to Lürsen and Stedefreund

Scene from the Bremen “crime scene”: The relationship between chief inspectors Inga Lürsen (Sabine Postel) and Stedefreund (Oliver Mommsen) is put to the test.

© Radio Bremen / Christine Schroeder / ARD Degeto

After more than 17 years, Inga Lürsen and Nils Stedefreund said goodbye in April 2019. In their last case, the Bremen “Tatort” investigators got in the way of the BKA – and Stedefreund’s dark secret came to light.

  • 3 out of 5 points
  • A worthy farewell for the long-standing Bremen “Tatort” team, also worth seeing as a repetition.

What’s the matter?

Under the asphalt of a street, construction workers discover the body of a woman who worked for a real estate company. Inga Lürsen (Sabine Postel) and Nils Stedefreund (Oliver Mommsen) are hindered by two BKA officers in their further investigations. They are leading an operation against the Chechen mafia and have smuggled an informant into the company. They want to prevent the murder squad from making the horses shy. What makes the investigation even more difficult: Stedefreund seems to know the two BKA men well – and meets with them behind the back of his colleague.

Why is this “crime scene” worthwhile?

For more than 17 years, the inspector Nils Stedefreund has been investigating the “crime scene” in Bremen. “Where did my darling go?” was his 34th “Tatort” mission. Actually, you should have got to know him thoroughly during this time. But the authors (Florian Baxmeyer, Michael Comtesse and Stefanie Veith) have accomplished the feat of giving this figure a secret that will have a decisive influence on the further course of this case: What happened in 2013 in Afghanistan, where Stedefreund worked as a trainer in the meantime Has? Or wasn’t he there at all?

What bothers?

As exciting as the story of Stedefreund is, which is gradually being unfolded here, it is unfortunately not the case. The basic setting has been seen all too often: a murder investigation that is suppressed by a higher power – embodied by completely embittered and disaffected people. In this case, the drawing by the BKA officials turned out to be particularly grotesque. One of the two does not wake up without a nose of coke, injects heroin regularly and is otherwise characterized by a high propensity for violence. A little less cliché would have been nice.

The commissioners?

When the legendary “Tatort” commissioner Horst Schimanski left the crime series in 1991, he ended up floating over his Duisburg with a kite. Lürsen and Stedefreund say goodbye in a very similar way: at the beginning of their finals, the investigators jump off with a parachute. While they are still in the air, the cell phone rings. So begins her new case, which – it became clear during the 90 minutes – will be her last.

10 crime scene facts you didn't know about

Turn on or off?

The last case of Lürsen and Stedefreund is not particularly exciting in itself. In return, we finally discover a dark secret of the commissioner. You should not miss this.

The “Tatort” episode “Where did my darling go?” first aired on April 22, 2019. ARD will repeat the case on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 10.15 p.m.

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