Emergencies: Investigations into explosion in Düsseldorf house continue

Investigations into explosion in Düsseldorf house continue

Several people died and others were injured in the fire in Düsseldorf. photo

© Roberto Pfeil/dpa

What is behind the explosion in a residential and commercial building in Düsseldorf? Three dead people were recovered after a fire. Investigators continue their work today.

After The police are continuing their investigation into the explosion and devastating fire in a residential and commercial building in Düsseldorf with three deaths on Friday. The focus remains on the still unclear cause of the explosion and the subsequent fire.

The exact causes of death of the three men who were found dead are still unclear. To check whether there was a crime or an accident, the police set up a homicide squad.

The detonation occurred early yesterday morning in a six-story house. A fire quickly spread from a kiosk on the ground floor. 16 people were injured, two of them critically.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, one body was discovered in an apartment and two in the stairwell. Only one of the three has been identified so far. According to public prosecutor Martin Stücker, it was a 55-year-old resident of the house.

Cause still unclear

The public prosecutor did not want to rule out external influence. The experts’ investigations should now reveal more details. The causes of death have not yet been definitively determined, but are probably related to the fire, Stücker continued. The traces on site indicated a violent explosion, but there is still no explanation for this.

Dramatic scenes took place at the scene. When the fire brigade arrived at the burning house, people who could no longer escape through the stairwell were already drawing attention to themselves on balconies. They were brought to safety using turntable ladders. Several cars burned in front of the house.


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