Sunday question on the state election: SPD with 32 percent in front – News – Lower Saxony

Status: 09/22/2022 07:08 a.m

If there were state elections next Sunday, the SPD would be the strongest force with 32 percent of the votes. Almost one in three respondents considers energy policy to be the most important issue in Lower Saxony.

This is the result of a representative survey by Infratest dimap commissioned by NDR. A total of 1,156 eligible voters were surveyed. Compared to the last survey in August, the CDU, like the SPD, has increased by one percentage point and now comes to 28 percent. The Greens get 17 percent, two percentage points less than in August. The FDP also loses (-1) and would just about get into the state parliament with 5 percent. The AfD gains two percentage points; 9 percent of the survey participants would choose the party. The left remains unchanged at four percent and would thus miss entering the state parliament.

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Almost half of the people in Lower Saxony are satisfied with the state government

The level of satisfaction in Lower Saxony with the state government made up of SPD and CDU has hardly changed. According to the survey, 49 percent (-2) of those surveyed are satisfied, while 32 percent are less satisfied (+2). The percentage of those who are very satisfied (4 percent) and not at all satisfied (10 percent) with the current state government has not changed.

Leadership of the state government: Government parties each lose two percent

The approval ratings for the top candidates of the SPD and CDU have only changed slightly since August: According to the survey, 57 percent of those entitled to vote are very satisfied or satisfied (-1) with Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD); Economics Minister Bernd Althusmann (CDU) comes to 41 percent (-2). This trend is confirmed when it comes to which party should lead the future state government: 43 percent of those surveyed want to see the SPD continue to head the state government, 31 percent the CDU. One in four respondents did not favor any party.

Most respondents want a red-green government

Around 75 percent of supporters of the SPD, CDU, Greens and AfD are very or very interested in the state elections. Among the FDP voters it is only 63 percent. 32 percent of those surveyed were less or not at all interested in the upcoming election. The coalition preferred by Lower Saxony is led by the SPD and the Greens, with 40 percent (-3) in favor of this option. A new grand coalition of SPD and CDU supported 36 percent (+3). The approval rating for a coalition of CDU and FDP remained the same at 27 percent. Black-green, traffic light and Jamaica coalition each lose five percentage points.

Energy policy, education and inflation come into focus

Almost a third of those surveyed (31 percent) see energy policy as the most important issue in Lower Saxony. That is 14 percentage points more than in August. Education follows with 24 percent (+4). And inflation is also increasingly an issue: 16 percent (+5) of those surveyed are primarily concerned with rising prices.

Evaluation of relief measures by the federal government

In terms of energy policy, the survey also asked for approval of the federal government’s announced relief measures. According to this, the majority of the survey participants (69 percent) think that these do not go far enough, 16 percent think they are sufficient, 6 percent think that the measures go too far. Supporters of the AfD in particular (87 percent) believe that the measures do not go far enough. In the other parties, between 60 and 68 percent of the supporters surveyed share this opinion. Supporters of the FDP in particular rate the announced relief as too far-reaching (15 percent). Among the supporters of the other parties, this is less than 10 percent of those surveyed.

Further information

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/22/2022 | 06:00 a.m

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