Succession series: In praise of the butt violin culture

Rich, corrupt and highly sensitive: the family epic “Succession” has won three Golden Globes. Rightly so, the series is the best streaming has to offer.


Alexander Gorkow and Nils Minkmar

That the reputation of the Golden Globes amid allegations of bribery and racism has been harmed, shouldn’t hide the fact that the jury made some wise choices this year. Strictly speaking, three, they concern the American (and obviously also English) HBO series “Succession”, among other things awarded as the best series, and as annoying as the advice is now that you have to watch this or that streaming series, like that The triple award should be taken as an opportunity to get rid of this: Everyone who adores Shakespeare for his tragedy, his comedy and his timing should see “Succession”. Everyone else should see “Succession” too.

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