Skyr or low-fat quark: which is better?

What is Skyr?

Skyr is a traditional Icelandic dairy product that has properties similar to cottage cheese and yoghurt. In terms of taste, skyr has a slightly sour note, but is a bit firmer than yoghurt, but creamier than low-fat quark. In Germany, Skyr is assigned to the “cream cheese products”. The name is pronounced “skier” with an emphasis on the “r”. Only skimmed milk is used in the production of skyr, which is then fortified and thickened with lactic acid bacteria and microbial rennet.

How healthy is Icelandic skyr really? >>

Nutritional values ​​of skyr vs. low-fat quark

Which is better: skyr or low-fat quark? In the following we take a closer look at the nutritional values ​​​​in terms of protein, calories and fat of low-fat quark and skyr.

Nutritional values ​​of skyr:

  • Calories: 62 calories
  • Protein: 11.3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 4 grams
  • of which sugar: 4 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams

Nutritional values ​​low-fat quark:

  • Calories: 73 calories
  • Protein: 13 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 4.1 grams
  • of which sugar: 4.1 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams

Is skyr better than low fat quark?

Which is healthier: quark or skyr? Many people are probably asking this question. With regard to the nutritional values, we see that low-fat quark has a little more calories, but also provides more protein per 100 grams. On the other hand, skyr convinces with a high calcium content of 150 milligrams per 100 grams. However, the differences are small, so that it is more a question of taste, consistency and price which product you choose.

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Compared to low-fat quark, skyr is a little creamier, lighter in the mouth and therefore more enjoyable for many if you want to eat the product on its own with fruit and muesli. However, you can easily give the low-fat quark a similar consistency if you mix the mass with a little water and stir until creamy.

The taste

In terms of taste, the two dairy products do not differ much either. Skyr is slightly more acidic and is therefore often eaten with sweet blueberries in Iceland. Low-fat quark has a very bland taste on its own. Skyr is now also available in different flavors, but they contain more calories and sugar. If you want to give your skyr or low-fat quark a special taste without unnecessary sugar, you can do that with Flavor powder like Chunky Flavour do.


Just a few weeks or months ago, you could get low-fat quark a little cheaper than skyr in the supermarket. In the meantime, the two products are not much different in price, so you can expect to pay around 1.50 euros per 500 grams for both. This can of course vary depending on the supermarket, brand and offer.

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What is healthier: skyr, yoghurt or quark?

If we also want to include yoghurt in our comparison, then this scores particularly well with its mild taste and creamy consistency. In terms of nutritional values, however, yoghurt has significantly less protein than its two competitors and also slightly more fat. If you want to benefit from the positive properties of yoghurt as well as those of skyr or low-fat quark, you can also mix the two.

Skyr recipes: delicious recipe ideas with skyr or low-fat quark

Both skyr and low-fat quark have their advantages and should therefore not be missing in our everyday life. But you don’t just want to eat the product pure? Here you will find delicious recipe ideas with skyr or low-fat quark for losing weight or building muscle:

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