Six and a half years in prison after setting fire to a diaconal workshop in Bavaria

Because he set fire and caused damage of 7.7 million euros, a man has been imprisoned for six and a half years.

A man has been sentenced to a total of six and a half years in prison for causing a devastating fire in a Diakonie Bayreuth workshop and for other offences. The Bayreuth District Court came to the conclusion that he had set a fire in the Lebenswerk GmbH building in August 2020. The facility was almost completely destroyed, resulting in damage of 7.7 million euros. According to court spokesman Clemens Haseloff, it was not possible to clarify whether the accused set the fire to cover up a burglary or out of anger at a job that was not granted. The court also found the man guilty of burglary in school buildings, summer houses and commercial premises. The court was convinced that he acted in this way to ensure his livelihood and drug consumption. It ordered placement in a rehabilitation center.

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