Sienna Miller: Spared by Weinstein because she was Jude Law’s girlfriend

#MeToo in Hollywood
Sienna Miller on Weinstein: ‘I Was Jude Law’s Girlfriend – That Probably Protected Me’

Sienna Miller has opened up about her experience with Harvey Weinstein

© Scott Garfitt/ / Picture Alliance

Sienna Miller opened up about her experience with sex offender Harvey Weinstein in an interview. The Hollywood producer made her cry – but she was protected. Thanks Jude Law.

Sienna Miller had her breakthrough in Hollywood in the early 2000s, including a leading role in the film “Factory Girl”. This was produced by Harvey Weinstein, who was considered the most powerful film boss at the time. It wasn’t until years later that it came out that Weinstein systematically raped and abused women. In an interview with the Guardians Sienna Miller has now shared her experiences with the convicted sex offender.

She says he never tried to attack her, but she believes it was because of her boyfriend at the time, Jude Law. “I was Jude’s girlfriend and that probably gave me protection. Jude was an important actor for Harvey,” Miller says. She also called Weinstein “Dad” from the start, which certainly helped.

Weinstein made Miller cry

However, Weinstein yelled at her, the Brit recalls an incident during filming. He called her at the time and yelled at her to come to his office immediately. “He said, ‘You’re not fucking going out anymore, you’re not going to party anymore, blah blah.'” Back then, Miller was often in the headlines for throwing himself into the nightlife. “I had a lot of fun but I was always on time for work. And he was standing over me while I sat in the chair with his lip trembling. He slammed the door and I cried,” she says. Weinstein even came back in and told her it was just because he was so proud of her.

At that time she felt the outbreak as an honor. “You didn’t really belong until Weinstein made you cry. I thought that was just how Hollywood producers were,” says the now 40-year-old. She was even grateful and wasn’t afraid of him. “I didn’t know he raped people. He once asked me to meet at a hotel and I took the other producers with me, it was innocent.” She was never pressured for a job.

But professionally, she is currently dealing with the topic: Miller can currently be seen in the Netflix series “Anatomy of a Scandal”. It is about a #MeToo case in British politics.


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