The best remedies for cold sores

Cold sores are not only unpleasant for those affected, they also look unsightly. Can creams, gels and patches prevent or relieve the infection?

Anyone who suffers from cold sores is grateful for any remedy that provides relief. In addition to over-the-counter products from pharmacies, there are now numerous products such as patches, serums or gels available in drugstores. Are these really effective? Stiftung Warentest wanted to find out and has taken a look at the latest issue of its magazine (06/2024) took a closer look at the offers.

Remedies for cold sores: These are not very suitable

Category: non-prescription medicines

The products of the market leader Zovirax were not convincing in the test. According to advertising promises, the Zovirax cold sore cream should work quickly. The reason for this is the active ingredient Aciclovir, which penetrates the skin and fights the virus that causes herpes. The testers from Stiftung Warentest, however, have a different opinion. The product is not very suitable for cold sores, even when “used quickly”. “The active ingredient does not penetrate the skin deeply enough and does not reach the nerve nodes from which the herpes infection originates.” According to the study, the application only shortens the healing time by half a day.

Category: Medical Devices

According to testers, the “Cold Sore Gel” from SOS is “not very suitable”. Even if used quickly, the healing time is hardly shortened. And the relief from the symptoms associated with the cold sores is also rather minimal. A positive aspect of the product is the comprehensive application instructions including tips for prevention, explains Stiftung Warentest.

With the MibeTec, Herpotherm offers a thermal pen that is intended to influence the release of the body’s own enzymes and histamine through concentrated heat. These substances are then intended to reduce the inflammatory reaction. According to Stiftung Warentest, there is insufficient evidence that the timely use of the pen can prevent or alleviate cold sore infections.

Remedies for cold sores: These are the best

Overall, none of the 26 remedies for cold sores in the test were really convincing. Most of them were “not very suitable”. Only the hydrocolloid-based herpes patches were rated “suitable” by the testers. However, only under the heading of “mechanical protection”, i.e. covering the blisters. Because they neither shortened the healing time nor provided any relief.

The Compeed herpes blister patches were particularly positive among the patches. The packaging contains comprehensive information on how to use them, as well as the course and causes of a herpes infection.


Even if the patches do not prevent the infection or make it heal faster, the adhesive parts provide relief for those affected. Because hiding the blisters has a positive effect on well-being, explains Prof. Dr. Tobias Weberschock, senior physician for dermatology at the University Hospital Frankfurt (Main), Stiftung Warentest.

Cold sores: The best remedy

If you suffer from cold sores, it is best not to touch the blisters and leave them alone as much as possible so that the infection can heal. It is also important to use your own towel and avoid kissing to limit the spread of infection.

This is how the test went

For the test, 12 non-prescription pharmaceutical products and 14 medical products were examined. According to Stiftung Warentest, the selection was made based on the Lauer-Taxe and market availability.

The products were evaluated on the basis of current specialist literature (scientific) and publicly available studies on the effects, benefits and risks of the products. In addition, the testing experts looked at the Medical Devices Regulation, the products as well as the manufacturers’ advertising statements and the enclosed information.

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