She returns to the clinic for a routine check-up and finds herself with a four limbs amputated

Despite her prostheses, the former maternal assistant wants to bounce back by creating an association to raise awareness of children with disabilities. In today’s edition, Free noon delivers the poignant testimony of Stéphanie P., a 46-year-old mother from Gard, victim of a terrible medical accident.

His life changed on October 16, 2015, at the turn of a banal stomach examination in a clinic in Nîmes. That day, she contracted a nosocomial disease which killed several of her organs. Stéphanie’s condition was worsened by a treatment error: while her medical file mentioned her allergy to penicillin, she still received it and had a violent allergic shock.

Marriage destroyed

The damage is irreversible. Doctors first removed his digestive system and had to resolve a few months later to amputate his four limbs. “I lost my members, my marriage, my job…”, Stéphanie confides to the regional daily. The 40-year-old adapts to her new life with incredible determination. She found the strength to drive home and was able to buy a house thanks to compensation from the National Medical Accident Compensation Office (Oniam). Legal proceedings against the clinic are still ongoing.

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