Ristorante Martinelli in Bogenhausen: – Munich

Gianluca Marotti has cultivated his culinary art at Martinelli over the years, even if he doesn’t always try new creations. It doesn’t matter – the main thing is that it tastes good.

By Johanna N. Hummel

It won’t help much to mourn their demise, menus aren’t that popular anymore since they had to be virus-free in the times of Corona. At that time, hosts began to pack their cards in a QR code, which the guests could then scan on their cell phones without having to get close to it and read what the kitchen had to offer while scrolling. Corona is currently not up to date, but QR code cards are, because they can be changed quickly and cheaply. Therefore: If you go out to eat, for example at the Martinelli restaurant in Cosimapark, don’t forget your mobile phone.

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