Portrait of Amazon video game boss Christoph Hartmann – economy

Christoph Hartmann’s job is like coaching the national team or captain of a spaceship: incredibly great, but it can also turn into the opposite. He’s responsible for video games at Amazon – and has already survived a few lows.


Jürgen Schmieder, Los Angeles

Of course you can imagine Christoph Hartmann on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, and after just a few minutes you also know what character this wonderfully relaxed guy who is responsible for the video game division at the Amazon group would be. He would certainly not be Mister Spock, who says sentences like these on the spaceship before adventures: “The probability that both of us will be killed on this expedition is 2228.7: 1.” He would be the one who gets this information from Spock and then tells chief engineer Scotty that one of them should beam to this unknown planet regardless of all statistical forecasts. Hartmann would be with the long gray hair and the pointed boy eyes: Captain Kirk.

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