Raphaël Quenard evokes “a nauseating atmosphere” at the Cannes film festival because of the false #MeToo list

If everything smiles on Raphaël Quenard, who continues his meteoric rise with the rise of the steps for the opening of the Cannes Film Festival, the atmosphere on the Croisette is obviously not always celebratory. In question, the rampant rumors of a blacklist of cinema attackers cast a dark veil amid the glitter.

The actor, who answered questions from Audrey Crespo-Mara in Seven to Eight Monday, admitted that the atmosphere “was heavy and a little nauseating” on the Croisette. Rumors, while Mediapart denied the existence of such a list, have according to him “created a climate of suspicion” with “looks which become a little strange. »

+ Information on the Cannes Film Festival

“There’s nothing pleasant about it, but afterwards, my mind is clear because I know how I behave. Sometimes you just need to not fantasize about a relationship with someone, you just need to go and ask the people with whom you work on a daily basis, who have real experience of who you are and who know the man you are,” said added Raphaël Quenard, who came to support The Second Act by Quentin Dupieux.

“I know that I am right in my boots,” he explains again.


The one who won the César for Male Revelation expressed his “admiration for these women who carry a message that goes beyond them, the sounding board that cinema and this world offer on this issue is gigantic, so it also allows us to highlight abuses in other, more invisible environments”, that is to say “everywhere, as soon as there is a relationship of domination”.

The opening of the floor is therefore undeniably positive, for the one who began to stand out in 2023 with Dog of the breakage And Yannick. “Fortunately there are women who have broken this barrier and who have blown away the lid that weighed on their words and who have made it possible to put people on alert. It is certain that it was not the men who attacked them who were going to self-denounce the errors that characterized them,” he declares.

That being said, “now we must define the framework so that it is impeccable and that it is done with the joy in which it should be done.” For this, the actor explains that several of his colleagues and himself “want to move forward hand in hand. We also want to create a framework for cinema that is very secure and well sanitized.”

Her wish: “We are not in the world of care bears, but at least that things happen with kindness and respect and that it can be comfortable for everyone.”

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