Wet dreams: Are nocturnal ejaculation normal?

Wet dreams are normal – even in adulthood

Wet dreams are primarily associated with male puberty. But adult men can also experience nocturnal ejaculation from time to time. Wet dreams in adulthood are often accompanied by sex dreams.

Even in adulthood, wet dreams are not a sign of illness or dissatisfaction in a relationship. Some people still think that only sexually frustrated men experience nocturnal ejaculation. The assumption behind this misconception is that the male body needs regular ejaculation to get rid of “old” sperm. Wet dreams are essentially a valve to avoid semen stasis.

Although wet dreams can help to “get rid of” seeds that have already been produced, there is another biological process that occurs around the clock in male bodies and breaks down seeds that have become unusable: Absorption. During absorption, seeds are broken down by the body and transported away via the blood and lymphatic circulation.

Wet dreams have nothing to do with sexual frustration or getting rid of semen. They are simply one of the many completely normal functions of a healthy organism.

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