Popular in the morning: You shouldn’t drink this drink for breakfast

Smoothies are a favorite drink of many people. There are numerous reasons for this. Smoothies are quick to prepare, varied, can be drunk on the go and they provide numerous vitamins.

Smoothies for breakfast? Not a good idea!

However, smoothies are not always suitable. Especially if you drink them instead of breakfast, the fruity juices can even make you fat.


“Green smoothies” in particular are popular – also because many influencers advertise excessively for them. They have long been on supermarket shelves and on café menus.

Do you like making smoothies at home?

But many people also prepare smoothies at home. The variety of ingredients that can be used for smoothies is almost unlimited.

Popular ingredients are about bananasberries (e.g. strawberries, blueberries or raspberries), pineapple, mango, spinach, cucumbers or avocados.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, protein powder, or other supplements can also be added to improve nutritional value and taste.

This is the time when you should be drinking smoothies

Smoothies are considered healthy, but they also contain a lot of sugar due to the many fruits. Since a smoothie less fiber contains as a solid meal and is therefore digested quickly, you may get hungry again quickly.

Smoothies are also often made with ice or frozen fruit. Drinking a cold smoothie on an empty stomach could lead to digestive problems. Cold drinks irritate the stomach and slow digestion.

That can gas, abdominal cramps and other discomfort. That doesn’t sound like a good start to the day.

Fructose in the morning – not a good start to the day

Although fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, they also contain natural fructose. Drinking a smoothie that contains a large amount of fruit can lead to high fructose consumption.

A high fructose consumption in the morning causes the blood sugar level to rise quickly. It gives you a quick boost of energy. But the blood sugar level also drops quickly. That can food cravings and an energy dip, which is not ideal for a good start to the day.

Smoothies: Which is better – homemade or ready-made?

If you have the opportunity, a homemade smoothie is always a better choice. This gives you more control over the ingredients and nutritional content. Supermarket smoothies often contain added sugar, artificial flavors or preservatives.

If you make your smoothie yourself, you can choose your favorite ingredients individually. This is how you regulate the desired amount of calories and sugar. You can also adjust the fiber content by using oatmeal or chia seeds and adding healthy fats like avocado or nuts.

Smoothies after a workout or as a breakfast supplement

But that doesn’t mean smoothies are unhealthy per se. They’re a great way to get a hefty dose of nutrients.

You should only drink them at the right time and see them as a supplement to a healthy diet. In these situations, smoothies are good:

  • After the workout: After a workout, a smoothie with a balanced mix of carbohydrates and proteins help to replenish energy stores. Proteins ensure good muscle regeneration and support muscle building.
  • Between the meals: If you are hungry between meals, you can reach for the smoothie to satisfy hunger while absorbing important nutrients. Pay attention to healthy fats like nut butter or add chia seeds to the smoothie to keep blood sugar levels stable. Otherwise, the smoothie will lead to more cravings after a short time.
  • As a supplement to breakfast: If you don’t want to do without the smoothie for breakfast, you should also eat a balanced breakfast that keeps you full for a long time.
  • Adapted smoothie as a meal replacement: If you still want to have a smoothie for breakfast, you can easily adapt the drink and make it more nutritious. Add to the fruits oatmeal, yogurt, protein powder or nuts to turn the smoothie into a more balanced breakfast. Increased nutrient density helps you stay full longer.

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