Optimism will suspend ETH withdrawals for 1 hour on February 15th to test the system against a security incident.

Optimism layer 2 network will halt ether (ETH) withdrawals for one hour on February 15 to test its upgraded incident response system.

ETH withdrawals from the Layer 2 network to Ethereum mainnet will be paused during this time. Deposits from mainnet to Layer 2 networks and normal transactions on the network will not be affected.

The goal of the test is To increase the ability to respond to security incidents in various networks in the Optimism ecosystem

“This upgrade is not only about strengthening each chain, but also by leveraging the overall security profile of all superchains,” OP Labs said in a statement.announceSystem upgraded on January 25th

The upgraded features are currently in the testing network. A one-hour pause will be used to verify performance in a real-world environment.

during downtime Various updates will be posted on the page. network status

refer : theblock.co

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