Of course there is great culture in Paris – but the pub cellar around the corner can be much more exciting

In France’s capital you can experience big performances on big stages every evening. But you can also just sit down in the nearest bar and wait and see what happens.

Paris is – no secret – a pretty expensive city; there are cafes here where you pay 14 euros for an espresso. But there are also some where it only costs one euro. Luckily I live right next to a shop like this.

In the evenings, the small dark blue corner house is a cool bar where young Parisian women show off their daringly combined treasures from second-hand boutiques. During the day the same silent figures sit at the tiny tables. Jérôme, for example, has a laptop that is only held together by generous amounts of gaffa tape. He’s currently typing a play on it. It’s supposed to be a musical, the main character is a tyrannical caterpillar.

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