Oberhaching’s head of town hall: “The most important thing when speaking is authenticity” – Munich district

Annual reception, town meeting, obituary: Mayors hold many speeches. But do you write them yourself? The SZ asked about it.


Daniela Bode, Ottobrunn/Pullach/Oberhaching

Anyone who often sees mayors at their public appearances and regularly reads the forewords in the municipal magazines will inevitably come to the point where they ask themselves: did he or she write that themselves? All the town hall bosses are chasing from one appointment to the next. Do you even have time for something like that? What conversations with a few mayors from the district show: As is so often the case, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Nobody employs a real ghostwriter. But one or the other already has some kind of muse or a co-writer. Some write everything themselves.

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