New rejection on appeal for Pierre Alessandri, member of the commando

The Paris Court of Appeal rejected Thursday a new request for adjustment of sentence of Pierre Alessandri, sentenced to life in 2003 for the assassination of the prefect Claude Erignac, announced the general prosecutor’s office.

Pierre Alessandri had obtained on May 12 a probationary semi-freedom measure for conditional release, but the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) had appealed.

The third request

“Following the requisitions of the Attorney General of Paris, the sentencing division of the Paris Court of Appeal has today overturned the decision rendered at first instance and rejected the request for adjustment of sentence made by Pierre Alessandri,” Attorney General Remy Heitz said in a statement.

This was the third request for sentence adjustment in semi-freedom filed by Pierre Alessandri, now 64 years old and releasable since 2017.

Each time, in October 2019, in July 2021, then in May 2022, the court for the application of anti-terrorism sentences had given the green light, but the decision had been reversed by the court of appeal after a suspensive appeal by the Pnat.

A cassation appeal

Pierre Alessandri appealed in cassation against the second refusal of justice to grant him this adjustment of sentence. The Court of Cassation is due to render its decision on October 26.

Pierre Alessandri has been imprisoned since 1999, as has Alain Ferrandi, another member of the commando sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of the prefect Erignac. The two men, who had been asking for their rapprochement in Corsica for years, were transferred on April 11 to Borgo prison, a promise from Matignon after the fatal attack in detention of Yvan Colonna.

This transfer was made possible by the lifting of their status as “particularly flagged detainees”. Alain Ferrandi also suffered two refusals of sentence adjustments. On May 24, the Court of Appeal overturned a favorable decision by the Anti-Terrorism Sentencing Court.

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