New album from “MGMT”: Pretending is no longer enough – culture

Great search for something that at least tastes similar to truth when you lick it: “Loss Of Life”, the new album by the noughties indie darlings “MGMT”.

It is definitely the sunniest passage in “Saltburn”, the streaming film of the season, which tells so beautifully about the complicated intertwining of stimulus-biological and economic capital. The scene: Oliver, the hero, has just arrived at the country estate of Felix’s family, his rich, handsome nemesis. The holiday gang is lounging naked in the wheat field, and that’s when the famous squeaking fountain from “Time To Pretend” starts. The band’s classic song MGMT from 2007 brings musical euphoria and quotable sloganeering together in the most optimal way, until today. If there is a global Oktoberfest hit of post-millennial hedonism: this is it.

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